Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Boxing and Unboxingin Java

Boxing and Unboxingin Java

Definition of Auto Boxing

The process of implicitly converting fundamental type values into the equivalent wrapper class object is known as auto boxing.

Converting fundamental type values into object type values:

In order to convert the fundamental data into equivalent wrapper class object type data we use the following generalized predefined parameterized constructor by taking fundamental data type as a parameter.
Data Conversion
In JDK 1.4 converting fundamental data type values into wrapper class object is known as boxing. In the case of JDK 1.5 and in higher version it is optional to the Java programmer to convert the fundamental data type value into the equivalent wrapper class object. That is implicitly taken care by JVM and it is known as auto boxing.

Definition of auto Unboxing.

In process of implicitly conversion objects type data into fundamental type data is known as auto un-boxing.

Converting object type value into fundamental type value:

In order to convert wrapper class object data into fundamental type data, we use the following predefined instance method present in each and every wrapper class.
Data Conversion
In case of JDK 1.5 and in higher version it is optional to the Java programmer to convert object data into fundamental type data and this process is known as auto un-boxing and it takes care by the JVM.

Abstract class in Java

Abstract class in Java

We know that every Java program must start with a concept of class that is without the class concept there is no Java program perfect.
In Java programming we have two types of classes they are
  • Concrete class
  • Abstract class

Concrete class in Java

A concrete class is one which is containing fully defined methods or implemented method.


class  Helloworld
void  display()
System.out.println("Good Morning........");
Here Helloworld class is containing a defined method and object can be created directly.

Create an object

Helloworld obj=new  Helloworld();
Every concrete class has specific features and these classes are used for specific requirement, but not for common requirement.
If we use concrete classes for fulfill common requirements than such application will get the following limitations.
  • Application will take more amount of memory space (main memory).
  • Application execution time is more.
  • Application performance is decreased.
To overcome above limitation you can use abstract class.

Abstract class in Java

A class that is declared with abstract keyword, is known as abstract class. An abstract class is one which is containing some defined method and some undefined method. In java programming undefined methods are known as un-Implemented, or abstract method.
Abstract meaning


abstract class className


abstract class A
If any class have any abstract method then that class become an abstract class.


class Vachile 
abstract void Bike(); 
Class Vachile is become an abstract class because it have abstract Bike() method.

Make class as abstract class

To make the class as abstract class, whose definition must be preceded by a abstract keyword.


abstract class Vachile

Abstract method

An abstract method is one which contains only declaration or prototype but it never contains body or definition. In order to make any undefined method as abstract whose declaration is must be predefined by abstract keyword.


abstract ReturnType methodName(List of formal parameter)


abstract   void  sum();
abstract  void  diff(int, int);

Example of abstract class

abstract class Vachile
 abstract void speed();  // abstract method
class Bike extends Vachile
void speed()
System.out.println("Speed limit is 40 km/hr..");
public static void main(String args[])
 Vachile obj = new Bike(); //indirect object creation  


Speed limit is 40 km/hr..

Create an Object of abstract class

An object of abstract class cannot be created directly, but it can be created indirectly. It means you can create an object of abstract derived class. You can see in above example


Vachile obj = new Bike(); //indirect object creation 

Important Points about abstract class

  • Abstract class of Java always contains common features.
  • Every abstract class participates in inheritance.
  • Abstract class definitions should not be made as final because abstract classes always participate in inheritance classes.
  • An object of abstract class cannot be created directly, but it can be created indirectly.
  • All the abstract classes of Java makes use of polymorphism along with method overriding for business logic development and makes use of dynamic binding for execution logic.

Advantage of abstract class

  • Less memory space for the application
  • Less execution time
  • More performance

Why abstract class have no abstract static method ?

In abstract classes we have the only abstract instance method, but not containing abstract static methods because every instance method is created for performing repeated operation where as static method is created for performing a one time operations in other word every abstract method is instance but not static.

Abstract base class

An abstract base class is one which is containing physical representation of abstract methods which are inherited by various sub classes.

Abstract derived class

An abstract derived class is one which is containing logic representation of abstract methods which are inherited from abstract base class with respect to both abstract base class and abstract derived class one can not create objects directly, but we can create their objects indirectly both abstract base class and abstract derived class are always reusable by various sub classes.
When the derived class inherits multiple abstract method from abstract base class and if the derived class is not defined at least one abstract method then the derived class is known as abstract derived class and whose definition must be made as abstract by using abstract keyword. (When the derived class becomes an abstract derived class).
If the derived class defined all the abstract methods which are inherited from abstract Base class, then the derived class is known as concrete derived class.
abstract class in java

Example of abstract class having method body

abstract class Vachile
 abstract void speed();  
 void mileage()
 System.out.println("Mileage is 60 km/ltr..");
class Bike extends Vachile
void speed()
System.out.println("Speed limit is 40 km/hr..");
public static void main(String args[])
 Vachile obj = new Bike();  


Mileage is 60 km/ltr..
Speed limit is 40 km/hr..

Example of abstract class having constructor, data member, methods

abstract class Vachile
 int limit=40;  
System.out.println("constructor is invoked");
 void getDetails()
System.out.println("it has two wheels");
 abstract void run();  
class Bike extends Vachile
 void run()
System.out.println("running safely..");
 public static void main(String args[])
  Vachile obj = new Bike();  


constructor is invoked
running safely..
it has two wheels

Difference Between Abstract class and Concrete class

Concrete classAbstract class
A Concrete class is used for specific requirementAbstract class is used to fulfill a common requirement.
Object of concrete class can create directly.Object of an abstract class can not create directly (can create indirectly).
Concrete class containing fully defined methods or implemented method.Abstract class has both undefined method and defined method.

Static Block in Java

Static Block in Java

Static block is a set of statements, which will be executed by the JVM before execution of main method.
At the time of class loading if we want to perform any activity we have to define that activity inside static block because this block execute at the time of class loading.
In a class we can take any number of static block but all these blocks will be execute from top to bottom.
static block in java


//Set of Statements
Note: In real time application static block can be used whenever we want to execute any instructions or statements before execution of main method.

Example of Static Block

class StaticDemo
System.out.println("Hello how are u ?");
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("This is main()");


Hello how are u ?
This is main()

Run java program without main method

class StaticDemo
System.out.println("Hello how are u ?");


Hello how are u ?
Exception is thread "main" java.lang.no-suchmethodError:Main
Note: "Exception is thread "main" java.lang.no-suchmethodError:Main" warning is given in java 1.7 and its above versions

More than one static block in a program

class StaticDemo
System.out.println("First static block");
System.out.println("Second Static block");
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("This is main()");


First static block
Second static block
This is main()
Note: "Here static block run according to there order (sequence by) from top to bottom.

Why a static block executes before the main method ?

A class has to be loaded in main memory before we start using it. Static block is executed during class loading. This is the reason why a static block executes before the main method.

Factory Method in Java

Factory Method in Java

A factory method is one whose return type is similar to the class name in which class is present. The purpose of factory method is to create an object without using new operator.
Factory Method

Rules for writing factory method

  1. The return type of the factory method must be similar to class name in which class it presents.
  2. Every factory method in java is static.
  3. The access specifier of the factory method must be public.

Multithreading in Java

Multithreading in Java

Multithreading in java is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously. The aim of multithreading is to achieve the concurrent execution.


Thread is a lightweight components and it is a flow of control. In other words a flow of control is known as thread.

State or Life cycle of thread

State of a thread are classified into five types they are
  1. New State
  2. Ready State
  3. Running State
  4. Waiting State
  5. Halted or dead State
Lifecyle of Thread Class

New State

If any new thread class is created that represent new state of a thread, In new state thread is created and about to enter into main memory. No memory is available if the thread is in new state.

Ready State

In ready state thread will be entered into main memory, memory space is allocated for the thread and 1st time waiting for the CPU.

Running State

Whenever the thread is under execution known as running state.

Halted or dead State

If the thread execution is stoped permanently than it comes under dead state, no memory is available for the thread if its comes to dead state.
Note: If the thread is in new or dead state no memory is available but sufficient memory is available if that is in ready or running or waiting state.

Achieve multithreading in java

In java language multithreading can be achieve in two different ways.
  1. Using thread class
  2. Using Runnable interface

Using thread class

In java language multithreading program can be created by following below rules.
  1. Create any user defined class and make that one as a derived class of thread class.
  2. class  Class_Name  extends  Thread
  3. Override run() method of Thread class (It contains the logic of perform any operation)
  4. Create an object for user-defined thread class and attached that object to predefined thread class object.
  5. Class_Name obj=new Class_Name Thread t=new Thread(obj);
  6. Call start() method of thread class to execute run() method.
  7. Save the program with filename.java
Extends Thread Class

Example of multithreading using Thread class

Thread based program for displaying 1 to 10 numbers after each and every second.
// Threaddemo2.java

class Th1 extends Thread
public void run()
for(int i=1;i< =10;i++)
System.out.println("value of i="+i);
catch(InterruptedException ie)
System.err.println("Problem in thread execution");
class Threaddemo2
public static void main(String args[])
Th1   t1=new   Th1();
System.out.println("Execution status of t1 before start="+t1.isAlive());
System.out.println("Execution status of t1 before start="+t1.isAlive());
catch(InterruptedException ie)
System.out.println("Problem in thread execution");
System.out.println("Execution status of t1 during execution="+t1.isAlive());
catch(InterruptedException ie)
System.out.println("problem in thread execution");
System.out.println("Execution status of t1 after completation="+t1.isAlive());
Execution status of t1 before start=false  //new state
Execution status of t1 after start=true  //ready state
Execution status of t1 during execution=true  //running state
Execution status of t1 after completation=false  //halted state

Thread class properties

Thread class contains constant data members, constructors, predefined methods.

Constant data members



Which represent the minimum priority that a thread can have whose values is 10.
public static final int MAX-PRIORITY=10


Which represents the minimum priority that a thread can have.
public static final int MIN-PRIORITY=0


Which represent the default priority that is assigned to a thread.
public static final int NORM-PRIORITY=5

Constructors of Thread class

  • Thread()
  • Thread(String name)
  • Thread(object)
  • Thread(object, String name)


Which will be execute to set the predefined name for newly created thread, these names are generally in the form of thread -0, thread -1, ....
Syntax to call constructor:
Thread t=new Thread();

Thread(String name)

Which can be used to provide user defined name for newly created thread.
Thread t=new Thread("newthread");


Which can be used to provide default name for newly created user defined thread.
UserdefinedThreadclass  obj=new UserdefinedThreadclass();
Thread t=new Thread("obj");

object, String name

Which will be used to provide user defined name for the newly created user defined thread.
UserdefinedThreadclass  obj=new UserdefinedThreadclass();
Thread t=new Thread(object, "secondthread");

Methods of Thread class

  • getPriority()
  • setPriority()
  • getName()
  • setName()
  • isDeamon()
  • run()
  • start()
  • sleep()
  • suspend()
  • resume()
  • stop()
  • isAlive()
  • currentThread()
  • join()
  • getState()
  • yield()


This method is used to get the current priority of thread.
Thread t=new Thread();
int x=t.getPriority();


This method is used to set the current priority of thread.
Thread t=new Thread();
t.setPriority(any priority number between o to 10)


This method is used to get the current executing thread name.
Thread t=new Thread();
String s=t.getName();


This method is used to set the userdefined name for the thread.
Thread t=new Thread();


Which returns true if the current thread is background thread otherwise return false.
Thread t=new Thread();
boolean b=t.isDeamon();


Which contains the main business logic that can be executed by multiple threads simultaneously in every user defined thread class run method should be overridden.
public Class_Name extends Thread
public void run()


Used to convert ready state thread to running state.
Thread t=new Thread();


Used to change running state thread to ready state based on time period it is a static method should be called with class reference.
public static final sleep(long milisecond)throws InterruptedException
catch(InterruptedException ie)
Once the given time period is completed thread state automatically change from waiting to running state.


Used to convert running state thread to waiting state, which will never come back to running state automatically.
Thread t=new Thread();


Used to change the suspended thread state(waiting state) to ready state.
Thread t=new Thread();
Note: Without using suspend() method resume() method can not be use.

What is the difference between sleep() and suspend()

Sleep() can be used to convert running state to waiting state and automatically thread convert from waiting state to running state once the given time period is completed. Where as suspend() can be used to convert running state thread to waiting state but it will never return back to running state automatically.


This method is used to convert running state thread to dead state.
Thread t=new Thread();


Which is return true if the thread is in ready or running or waiting state and return false if the thread is in new or dead state.
Thread t=new Thread();


Used to get the current thread detail like thread name thread group name and priority
Thread t=new Thread();
  • The default thread name is thread-0, (if it is a main thread default name is main)
  • The default thread group name is main
  • Default thread priority is "5" is normal priority.


Which can be used to combined more than one thread into a single group signature is public final void join()throws InterruptedException


This method is used to get the current state of thread.
Thread t=new Thread();


Which will keep the currently executing thread into temporarily pass and allows other threads to execute

Using Runnable Interface

Runnable is one of the predefined interface in java.lang package, which is containing only one method and whose prototype is " Public abstract void run "
The run() method of thread class defined with null body and run() method of Runnable interface belongs to abstract. Industry is highly recommended to override abstract run() method of Runnable interface but not recommended to override null body run() method of thread class.
In some of the circumstance if one derived class is extending some type of predefined class along with thread class which is not possible because java programming never supports multiple inheritance. To avoid this multiple inheritance problem, rather than extending thread class we implement Runnable interface.

Rules to create the thread using Runnable interface

  • Create any user defined class and implements runnable interface within that
  • Override run() method within the user defined class.
  • call start() method to execute run() method of thread class
  • Save the program with classname.java
  • class  Class_Name  implement Runnable
    public void run()
    Class_Name obj=new Class_name();
    Thread t=new Thread();
Note: While implementing runnable interface it is very mandatory to attach user defined thread class object reference to predefined thread class object reference. It is optional while creating thread by extending Thread class.

Thread Synchronization

Whenever multiple threads are trying to use same resource than they may be chance to of getting wrong output, to overcome this problem thread synchronization can be used.
Definition: Allowing only one thread at a time to utilized the same resource out of multiple threads is known as thread synchronization or thread safe.
In java language thread synchronization can be achieve in two different ways.
  1. Synchronized block
  2. Synchronized method
Note: synchronization is a keyword(access modifier in java)

Synchronized block

Whenever we want to execute one or more than one statement by a single thread at a time(not allowing other thread until thread one execution is completed) than those statement should be placed in side synchronized block.
class  Class_Name  implement Runnable or extends Thread
public void run()

Synchronized method

Whenever we want to allow only one thread at a time among multiple thread for execution of a method than that should be declared as synchronized method.
class  Class_Name  implement Runnable or extends Thread
public void run()
synchronized void fun()
public void run()

Interthread Communication

The process of execution of exchanging of the data / information between multiple threads is known as Interthread communication or if an output of first thread giving as an input to second thread the output of second thread giving as an input to third thread then the communication between first second and third thread known as Interthread communication.
In order to develop Interthread communication application we use some of the methods of java.lang.Object class and these methods are known as Interthread communication methods.

Interthread communication methods

  1. public final void wait(long msec)
  2. public final void wait()
  3. public final void notify()
  4. public final void notifyAll()

public final void wait(long msec)

public final void wait (long msec) is used for making the thread to wait by specifying the waiting time in terms of milliseconds. Once the waiting time is completed, automatically the thread will be interred into ready state from waiting state. This methods is not recommended to used to make next thread to wait on the basis of time because java programmer may not be able to decide or determine the CPU burst time of current thread and CPU burst time is decided by OS but not by the programmer.

public final void wait()

public final void wait() is used for making the thread to wait without specifying any waiting time this method is recommended to use to make the next thread to wait until current thread complete its execution.

public final void notify()

public final void notify() is used for transferring one thread at a time from waiting state to ready state.

public final void notifyAll()

public final void notifyAll() is used for transferring all the threads at a time from waiting state to ready state.
Note: public final void wait (long msec) and public final void wait() throws a predefined Exception called java.lang.InterruptedException.

Data Conversion in java

Data Conversion In java programming we have six data conversion technique they are:. 1 Converting numeric string type data into numeri...